Your body changes as you get older. That’s something that will always be true, no matter what you do. Before you throw in the towel thinking that your best days are behind you, Burghealth is here to show you how it’s possible to maintain your body for peak performance even if you’re an athlete over 30. Keep doing what you love and strive for greatness with these crucial tips!

A Well-Rounded Diet Is Everything

As an athlete, you already know how important your diet is to your training regimen and overall performance. As you get older, the need for proper nutrients becomes even more vital than ever. Despite how much you continue to train and work out, you won’t get far unless you’re eating right. Athletes over 30 need a diet consisting of lean proteins, healthy fats, and carbs. Incorporating foods that are rich in these nutrients into your diet will give you the energy you need to conquer your training even when you feel like your body can no longer keep up with your motivation.

Best Foods For Each Essential Nutrient

Lean Protein

Healthy Fats


Beans and lentils

White-meat fish

Cottage cheese

Greek yogurt

White-meat poultry

Lean beef

Egg whites




Olive oil

Chia seeds




Sweet potatoes


Kidney beans


Find a Consistent Routine That Works For You

Consistency is key, and not just because it helps shape your body. Keeping up with a regular routine can help you stay motivated with manageable tasks. While you should always strive to do better, setting realistic goals can help you from getting frustrated when things fall through which can, in turn, damage your determination. Accept the fact that your 30+-year-old body may not generate the same amount of strength and energy as your early-twenties self, and plan out a schedule that works best for your current situation. Find a good balance between your work and personal life so your training feels more like a reward and less like a detriment.

Not sure where to start? At Burghealth, we offer performance testing services to help you gauge your capabilities and plan a training regimen that best fits your needs.

Adapt Your Routine to Your Changing Body

What should go into your personalized training routine? Think about what you’ve been doing and pinpoint what hasn’t been working. A changing body requires different needs, so you may need to swap out some of your activities for ones that better fit your needs and capabilities. For example, if running laps is starting to wear on you, find other ways to get your cardio in like HIIT exercises or cardio-based yoga. If you can’t weightlift like you used to without putting your body at risk, maybe try out Pilates as a different approach to strength training.

A doable workout routine for athletes ages 30 and over may look something like this:

  • High-intensity cardio for about an hour a week
  • Resistance training using suspension equipment or weight machines
  • Simplified resistance training like push-ups and squats
  • Alternating approaches to strength training twice a week

Athletes in their thirties will typically swap between cardio and resistance training about four times a week, on top of strength training twice a week. While that may be the average, it’s important to find what works best for you without pushing beyond the boundaries of your limitations.

Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard. We Mean It!

The older we get, the more prone we are to injury. Between athletes, injuries occur most often when overworking oneself. Pushing yourself too hard can put you at risk of common sport-related injuries such as:

  • Muscle strains
  • Cartilage tears
  • Joint injuries
  • Sprains
  • And more

Learn more about how we approach sports injury care here at Burghealth!

We Have What Athletes Need at Burghealth!

 Looking to find a workout regimen that works best for you? Consult your local physical rehab specialists at Burghealth for sports care and injury treatment near you! Our compassionate team is here to help athletes over 30 find what they need to maintain a healthy body for peak performance. Don’t quit doing what you love. We’ll guide you down the path to success!



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